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Jan 276 min read
A Year Treating Oncology Patients with Acupuncture
To mark World Cancer Day we are proud to highlight the incredible journey of our graduate, Sarah , as she brings the power of...

May 23, 20222 min read
Studying through a Pandemic: future-proofing our acupuncture careers
Studying through a Pandemic: future-proofing our acupuncture careers By Melanie Cullis, third year student In six weeks, the class of...

Sep 19, 20212 min read
I have the best job in the world.
Alice Douglas, LicAc MBAcC I have the best job in the world. I say this all the time, but I really do mean it. When I finished my A...

Dec 20, 20203 min read
Why now is a great time to retrain as an acupuncturist at CCA
By programme leader Paul Johnson A new year, a new start? The Christmas break is a period when people often take some time out to think...

Jul 26, 20202 min read
Learnings from lockdown
By Vanessa Menendez-Covelo, CCA graduate 2019, I expected 2020 to be exciting, but maybe not so much! I hit the...

Nov 1, 20194 min read
A Trip to China
By Kate Henley I am honoured to be chosen to amongst the 10 participants to be travelling to Harbin in the Heilongjiang province in...

Mar 14, 20195 min read
All the questions you should have asked…
It isn’t until you get to the end of studying Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) that you really understand the questions...

Oct 24, 20183 min read
One Year as a Qualified Acupuncturist
By James Woodward. I first discovered acupuncture through my interest in Japanese reiki. A few books I had read gave me hints that some...

Jul 16, 20183 min read
‘But where exactly is it?’ - The pitfalls of Teaching and Learning Point Location
This month’s blog is an extract from an article written by our head of Acupuncture Point Location for the current edition of the Journal...

May 25, 20182 min read
“Is The City College of Acupuncture course the right course for me..?”
By Mark Whitham, Lecturer, City College of Acupuncture That’s a question everyone considering a career in Acupuncture is probably asking...

Oct 28, 20172 min read
A year after graduating from CCA – a life in practice
By Anne Fallan, CCA graduate summer 2016 It has been quite a year since I graduated from the City College of Acupuncture! I took 3 weeks...

Sep 16, 20172 min read
Tui Na - doesn’t that normally come with sweetcorn and mayonnaise?
By Paul Johnson, Joint Acupuncture Course Leader, The City College of Acupuncture Twenty years ago, whenever you saw the word...

Aug 19, 20172 min read
Treating in our student clinic
Treating in our student clinic The final part of studying either acupuncture or Tui Na at CCA involves working in our student clinic....

Jun 9, 20172 min read
Do people have acupuncture even when they are well?
By Paul Johnson, 2017 Absolutely. The people who come to me for treatment do so for a number of different reasons. For some people, I am...

May 11, 20172 min read
Acupuncture and gardening have a lot in common
Acupuncture and gardening have a lot in common It may sound daft, but they actually do. When I was studying acupuncture, purely by chance...

Mar 6, 20173 min read
A Graduate’s Experience at CCA
By Rosy Hawkins, 2016 Graduate Studying acupuncture at CCA was probably the most rewarding experience of my life to date. I count myself...

Jan 19, 20172 min read
Why not just advertise “Acupuncture change lives”?
By Paul Johnson. One of my clients said this to me a few weeks ago. Honestly. He had come to see me for a skin condition, but had...

Nov 29, 20162 min read
Embrace the Winter! Learn to rest and listen…
By Anne-Sophie Morel. Living amongst the hustle and bustle of big cities, we often forget that we are part of nature, and are therefore...

Nov 22, 20167 min read
Success by choice not by chance: an Interview with Amanda Banks
Success by choice not by chance: an Interview with Amanda Banks by Farrah Riaz I’ve been working at The City College in the Old Street...

Nov 5, 20168 min read
What is it like working in the NHS as a Traditional Acupuncturist?
I practiced acupuncture in the NHS from 2001-2014 and I am often asked what was it like. People want to know if traditional acupuncture...

Aug 11, 20163 min read
"If you'd said 10 years ago I'd be an Acupuncturist, I'd have laughed at you"
Ten years ago I was a Metropolitan Police Detective veteran with 25 years police service, leading a team investigating murders in North...

Jun 21, 20162 min read
What makes a good acupuncture student?
I’ve been training acupuncture students at various institutions for over fifteen years now and I think I’ve got a pretty good idea about...

Jun 10, 20162 min read
Is acupuncture painful?
I’m afraid the answer to that one is yes. .. and no! Most people’s experiences of needles comes from having an injection or giving blood....

Jun 10, 20163 min read
How does an acupuncturist diagnose?
The answer to this question is easy: with every one of their senses! Unlike your GP who may remain glued to a computer screen throughout...

Jun 10, 20162 min read
I love my job!
I do, I really do.I have a fantastic job. Two fantastic jobs, actually. People come to have acupuncture with me for a myriad of reasons....

Jun 9, 20161 min read
Why Study at CCA?
Looking for a fresh start in 2016? Thinking of a change of career? Wanting to make a difference or put something back? Studying...
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